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Chile One congratulate Yo Maps For Winning 5 Awards | Watch

Chile One congratulate Yo Maps For Winning 5 Awards | Watch

Chile One congratulate Yo Maps For Winning 5 Awards | Watch

Chile One, the distinguished Mr. Zambia hailing from the dynamic Copper Belt area, has spilled his guts on his authority Facebook page, stretching out warm and sincere congrats to none other than the music sensation, Yo Maps. In an industry overflowing with ability and contest, Yo Maps figured out how to get a remarkable five honors at the current year’s Kwacha Music Grants. A surprising accomplishment merits every piece of acknowledgment and commendation.Chile One congratulate Yo Maps For Winning 5 Awards | Watch

However, that is not all. Chile, in his trademark style, isn’t one to disregard the gifts that make the Copper Belt’s music scene truly electrifying. He offers his appreciation to Neo Slayer and the appealling rapper, Y Celeb, naming them the undisputed rulers of the Copper Belt. This acknowledgment is something beyond a congratulatory gesture; it’s a decree of their excellent capacities and the significant effect they’ve made in the neighborhood music scene.

Chile One’s esteem and enduring help for these specialists are a sparkling demonstration of the security that exists inside the music community. It’s something beyond contest; it’s a celebration of ability, a sign of approval for the people who push the limits, and a recognition for the amicable symphony that these specialists collectively make in the energetic universe of Zambian music. Credit to them all! 🎶👑

Chile One congratulate Yo Maps For Winning 5 Awards | Watch
Chile One congratulate Yo Maps For Winning 5 Awards | Watch


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